Friday, 21 August 2009

NEWS OF THE WEEK: Eight-year-old twins get A-levels

A pair of eight-year old twins have proved they're pretty far ahead of most people their age by passing an A-level advanced mathematics exam.
Peter and Paula got a C and B after taking the exam.

Peter's got big ambitions after such a strong start - he wants to become Prime Minister, while his sister one day wants to teach other kids maths.
The twins have also helped to write a book with their classmates on how to do well at school.

Their dad Chris said: "This result made us realise that every child is capable of any achievement or feat.

"If we allow any child to express their passion for a subject, there is no height they cannot reach or A-level they can't exceed."
The twins have three older sisters who also passed maths exams at an early age.


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