Saturday, 8 August 2009

A koala which became a celebrity after being rescued from raging fires in Australia has died during surgery.

Sam the koala was found by firefighters back in February, wandering through the forest with badly burnt paws, She was taken to a vet's to recover.

She looked like she was doing well, but was found to have a disease which affects lots of koalas.
During surgery to deal with the problem, it was found she was too sick and vets had to put her to sleep.

Sam the koala was found by firefighters back in February, wandering through the forest with badly burnt paws, She was taken to a vet's to recover.
She looked like she was doing well, but was found to have a disease which affects lots of koalas.
During surgery to deal with the problem, it was found she was too sick and vets had to put her to sleep.


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